InterLaser Secure Laser Document Solution
InterLaser is an interface application that provides the ability to produce electronic cheques from a blank, colored, or perforated cheque paper. It also provides the ability to produce different documents, such as invoices, orders, taxes, payrolls, etc. from plain white paper stock.
Samples produced using InterLaser 6:
Please take a look at these:
- Deposit advice – PDF
- Cheque 1 – PDF
- Cheque 2 – PDF
- Cheque 3 (CPA Standard 006) – PDF
- Invoice – PDF

- Unlimited personalized forms
- Graphic environment that lets you move objects such as logos (bitmap), boxes and rounded boxes, ellipses, text, rotated text, lines, etc.
- Manage overflow Multiple printers you can define to print documents (1 original and 4 copies) Duplex printing Reporting, if required, after the print of documents Export the data to an Excel file or XML file
- Audit report (printing)
- Capabilities of sending email
- Produce JPG, PDF or TIFF document image
- Archive to keep your data for consulting

- Automatic processing (background printing)
- Portrait or landscape printing on either letter or legal paper
- Password management (security)
- SmartCard technologies to ensure secure printing
- Bilingual (English or French)
- User friendly
Cheque features:
- Manage the printing of signature(s) by amount
- Secure watermark Secure font to protect the amount
- Positive pay
- Manual cheque input
- Unlimited bank configurations
- Void document
Full demo (version 9.00) –setupIL9.exe
Quick Demonstration to Follow
Login in the application [login9.zip]
Printer configuration (global) [SetPrnG9.zip]
Printing documents [DocPrn9.zip]
Troubleshooting– (About 3 MB) – PDF
User guide– (About 3 MB) – PDF
Recovery procedures– (About 70 KB) – PDF
Do not follow these steps if you are only installing the demo.
Please contact us to download and install the demo.
Contact us to download and install the application (mandatory, this is the basic application).
Download and install the smart card readers usb. If this is an upgrade from a version before V6 and you still use the same pc, the driver is already installed.
Download and install the Sentinel SuperPro security plug driver. If this is an upgrade from a version before V6 and you still use the same pc the driver is already installed.
Make sure you have a printer installed. To have the best result please install the printer driver from the Vendor, not from Microsoft. Don’t install or use a postscript driver.
Copy the *.bup file(s) we provided you in the “binlaser9update” Important this is your customization.
- Go in the binlaser9 double-click on the bnkupdt.exe program and apply the update (mandatory).
- Start and login in the application [ Download ]
- After login in the application you will be presented with a configuration wizard, go through it.
- Print the sample documents to test the application [ Download ]
- Go to the training section below and follow the user and/or administrative training.
- You should have the administrator rights on the PC.
- If you have any questions, comments or problems after following these procedures, please contact us.

You can find extra information in the main menu of the application. Select "Help" > "User manual".
User Training
Login in the application [ login9.zip ]
Printing documents [ DocPrn9.zip ]
Reprinting documents [ DocReprn9.zip ]
Printing reports [ DocList9.zip ]
Deleting documents [ DocDel9.zip ]
Manual documents:
- Printing manual documents [ DocManu9.zip ]
- Voiding documents [ DocVoid9.zip ]
Email module:
- Sending documents [ DocPrn9.zip ]
- Add an email address [ Addemail9.zip ]
- Edit/Modify an email address [ Modifyemail.zip ]
- Configure the software for SMTP emailing [ Smtpemail9.zip ]
Positive pay [ PositivePay9.zip ]

Administrative Training
Printers configuration (global) [ SetPrnG9.zip ]
Printers configuration (by project) [ SetPrnP9.zip ]
Managing users:
- Adding a user [ PassAdd.zip ]
- Changing a user’s password [ PassChan.zip ]
- Removing a user [ PassRem.zip ]
Designing layout [ Layout9.zip ]
Switching between Test mode and Live mode [ TestMode9.zip ]
Managing Smart Cards:
- Adding a smart card [ AddSmartCard9.zip ]
- Removing a smart card [ DelSmartCard9.zip ]
You can find extra information in the main menu of the application. Select "Help" > "Troubleshooting".
Problem 1: Index file does not match the table
Please send an email to support@binatek.com
Problem 2: Printer error before printing
The printer for the project you are trying to print from is not properly set.
Perform one of the two following actions: Printer configuration (global) [ SetPrnG9.zip ]
Printers configuration (by project) [ SetPrnP9.zip ]
Problem 3:MICR font doesn’t print correctly
Please send an email to support@binatek.com
Frequently asked questions about InterLaser.
- Changing a project’s Input Folder [ Projinfo9.zip ]
- Changing a project’s bank transit and account configuration [ ProjTrAc9.zip ]
- Changing a project’s Manual document number [ ProjMnNo9.zip ]
- Changing a project’s Signature limit control amounts [ ProjSiLi9.zip ]
- Switching between Test mode and Live mode [ TestMode9.zip ]
- How to align the MICR line in the MICR ruler MICR position [ PDF ]
Additional Info
You can find extra information in the main menu of the application. Select "Help" > "Troubleshooting".
Signature Form(s) [PDF]
Information Documents
Learn more about InterLaser today.
Get in touch with our sales team to see how we can work together.