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The solution for managing documents, content, and document flows.

A line of software products that can improve your business while reducing costs at the same time.

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FileDirector, a new document experience.

Unlock the full potential of your business with FileDirector — a rich software platform designed to meet all your content, document, and information management needs. From effortless document acquisition, processing, and virtual printing to seamless searching, consultation, and archiving, FileDirector empowers your organization's digital transformation. Stay ahead of future needs with a software solution that puts you in control.

Benefits of our Document Management Software:

  • Protect documents against unauthorized access
  • Improve customer service
  • Reduce costs
  • Faster and easier document retrieval
  • Increase productivity
  • Implement statutory requirements
Get Started Today
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Multichannel Capture

FileDirector allows you to collect your documents simply and automatically, whether they are on paper, in emails, created digitally or taken from your other software and applications.

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FileDirector guarantees secure storage: certificate management, traceability, simple time stamping, and GDPR compatibility.

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Content Management

FileDirector provides fine-grained control over access, document revision, traceability and process management using workflows and has interfaces for use with MS Office, SAP and MS Sharepoint.

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A certified Microsoft .Net Application available via the Azure cloud service, FileDirector can take care of all of the documents in an organization, regardless of its size, sector and location.

Make storing, classification, retrieval and distribution of documents quick and efficient.

FileDirector™ is a new generation ECM (Electronic Content Management) software package for managing processes and digitization, tailored to the latest specifications in document management.FileDirector™, a modular and fully configurable solution, helps customers adapt to any situation.

filedirector features list Infographic filedirector features list Infographic



Highlighted, Captured, Trained

These 3 words describe the ease with which FileDirector AutoCapture will inspire you. The dedicated FileDirector AutoCapture Client helps you focus on the essentials ‐ the incoming invoice. This starts with a maximized display area for the document and continues in mouse‐based training. FileDirector AutoCapture knows whether you want to train a date, an address or an amount and highlights only this in colour.

Always Informed

The FileDirector AutoCapture statistics show you in clear diagrams what the system is currently processing. This information can be sent to you by mail on a regular basis which makes it easy to keep an eye on required actions.

Training Applied

FileDirector AutoCapture learns with each trained document and thus supports you more and more when capturing new, unknown documents. FileDirector AutoCapture learns what you need and where you can find it on a document ‐ completely automatically.

AutoCapture Plus:

Enhanced Functionality, Same Convenience

As the title suggests the ease with which FileDirector AutoCapture has already helped you to automate your capture of incoming invoices, now, AutoCapture Plus adds even more, without changing the proven interface. Just add to the well-known steps two more. The result will be rewarding.

Useful Information

The extra information, FileDirector AutoCapture Plus captures, is stored in a PDF file and appended to the corresponding invoice. This information is not only visible in FileDirector clients but contains all the line items information embedded. This embedded information can be used easily for accounting software.

AutoCapture & MailArchiver

Received, Imported, Recorded

Who will receive your invoices as an attachment in PDF format by email?
These electronic documents can also be easily captured in just a few steps. The solution is AutoCapture interface integrated with the FileDirector MailArchiver.

Easy Implementation

Do you already use our FileDirector MailArchiver?
In this case, simply add the appropriate mailbox for incoming invoices and select the AutoCapture option in the scheduler. You can use the comprehensive FileDirector AutoCapture routines for your incoming invoices in PDF format. This not only saves time and money, it also supports you and your company in the field of traceability; directly from the beginning.

Be Informed

FileDirector AutoCapture provides you with a clear overview of the status of the automatic processing of your incoming invoices. This information can be easily and automatically sent by e-mail or displayed at any time in AutoCapture Client statistics.

OCR & Barcode

OCR Zones

OCR zones are configured on templates which are applied to selected documents. FileDirector will then read the content of the zones and fill in the relevant index fields with the information it has read.


Zones can be configured to read barcodes. FileDirector allows you to use the most popular 1D and 2D barcode types including QR codes. The information contained in the barcode can then be applied in the same manner as an OCR zone, filling one or several index fields.

Form Recognition

The zones can also be used to identify specific types of documents. It can be either text or a logo as long as it is unique to the document. The system will then recognize the form, read the zones and then fill in the index fields linked to them.

Full Text Recognition

With full text recognition the whole document is processed by the OCR engine. This then allows the user to search for all documents containing a particular word or phrase, the results being displayed with the highest relevance first and the “hits” highlighted in the document viewing window.


An Ideal Solution

Use FileDirector Cloud for all your off premise document management needs. The FileDirector installation is fully featured and allows the user to benefit from all the modules including Full Text OCR and Business Process Management (BPM). FileDirector Cloud solution making budgeting for your system costs straight forward, simple and without any overhead for the purchase and maintenance of a server and the associated.


Licences are concurrent or named licences. The minimum purchase is one scan license. This is required to enjoy/use the full features of the FileDirector Cloud Client Software, which includes the scan functionality, of course. Each installation comes with 10 GB of document storage included. Additional document storage can be purchased in 10 GB units. Each installation will have their own digital cabinet. This cabinet provides the base for an individual structure to map your individual business structure and document routing. As of a minimum of 5 licences per customer, an individual internal domain can be configured. Zonal OCR and Business Process Management, will be available.


Of course, our FileDirector Cloud solution provides all security features of a local FileDirector installation e.g. its 3 layer‐architecture and the built‐in rights management. FileDirector Cloud is hosted on a Microsoft Azure data centre nearest to you. An important part of Microsoft‘s security capabilities include their response processes. The Security Incident Management (SIM) team responds to potential security issues when they occur, operating around the clock.


No Rights, No Access

FileDirector is a highly secure ECM solution that ensures that documents are only accessible to those user accounts that have been granted permission to them.

Active Directory

FileDirector utilises Active Directory users and groups for access control. No account can gain access to FileDirector without being a member of one of the FileDirector groups. When a user account is a member of one of the FileDirector groups, this does not by default give them access to any of the data stored in FileDirector. Where the preference is not to incorporate Active Directory, FileDirector also has its own proprietary security that works in exactly the same manner but is configured within FileDirector.

No Direct Access To Data

FileDirector is a client server solution, with ALL requests from clients for data being serviced by the server application. User accounts do not require permissions to either SQL or the locations where documents are stored.

Communication Encryption

The FileDirector server is an IIS web service and can therefore take advantage of IIS encryption features, to secure the data being sent to and received from a client. IIS can secure communication using up to a 128 bit key, alternatively, certificates can be implemented to further secure the communication.


User groups or accounts can be allowed or denied access to a Cabinet. In addition permission to Create, Delete, Modify and View can be allowed or denied, or Full access can be given.

Cabinet Security

Documents are stored in FileDirector cabinets. Even if a user account is valid for FileDirector, unless the account or user group has been granted access to a cabinet, the account will have no access to a cabinet. Additionally, cabinets can be designed so that different document types are created in a single cabinet.

A user account or group can be assigned or denied access to each document type within a cabinet. Different levels of access can be assigned to an account or group for each document type they have access to.

As an example, in one document type a user may be able to create documents, but in a second document type that same account may only be able to retrieve and view documents.

A further level of security can be applied to secure documents, and this is done at field level. Access to documents can be determined by the value held within fields, either allowing or denying access to accounts or groups.


All activity within the FileDirector solution can be logged, and stored for future reporting. For each document, a history is kept that details the activities associated with the document. This history will list, for example, the accounts that have created, modified and retrieved the document. It will also show when those activities took place.


Three Are Better Than One

FileDirector is programmed as a safe 3-tier-solution, thereby any client of the FileDirector product line can be used with all its features, but the user cannot directly access the data source. The first layer is the Microsoft SQL or Oracle database, the second layer is the FileDirector Server and the last one is either the FileDirector WinClient, the browser respectively an SDK. Due to this architecture the system runs particularly stably.


Why Business Process Management (BPM)

The path of a document through your enterprise can be simply managed with FileDirector. In the graphical process designer tool the individual steps of a process are clearly represented. The print function of the process designer helps you with the documentation in quality management procedures.

User absence features and warning thresholds prevent processes from grinding to a halt, and overviews allow for comprehensive document tracking through a process.

You can guide users through the daily information flood by customized individual messages. Your mail system can alert users to new or waiting documents.

Easy Configuration

A process consists of several steps that are performed consecutively. Each process step can be individually configured to be worked on or whether an action is to be performed by one or more users. Defined tasks are specified for each user, for example approve, reject, comment or simply view (confirm notice).

If the task specified is carried out, the document is routed to the next step of the process depending on the structure of the process. Our Business Process Management controls the path of a document through the single process steps and keeps track of the status and location of a document.

Codeless Connector

Why Codeless Connector

ECM systems become their most useful when they are seamlessly integrated into other applications so that it’s functionality can be controlled from the 3rd party application.

Having multiple windows open with different programs can create confusion and inefficiency where data is copied between programs (although human nature dictates this is not always 100% accurate).

Integrating ECM software with other applications usually requires highly skilled programmers and a large amount of resources in both time and expense.

Easy Configuration

This powerful tool needs only seconds to be configured. First, select keyboard or mouse shortcuts for indexing, searching and scanning actions.

Then map the Codeless Connector connections to the fields of the third-party application simply by dragging and dropping the target onto the data within the third party application.

Easy To Use

Once configured, users of the third-party applications will be able carry out searches, index and even scan documents to FileDirector from within the third-party application using the predefined Connector shortcuts.


Be The Designer

Our new, optional FileDirector FormDesigner provides a graphical user interface for designing custom forms for usage within your company or providing your customers.

You are only a few clicks away from e.g. digital Support Engineer Report forms, time sheets, procurement or holiday applications.

A lot of standard elements – e.g. textboxes, drop-down box, checkbox and lines can be found in an icon bar and simply selected and placed on the form. Each element can be customised, e.g. setting a background colour, changing the font type or adding an image is done within a few clicks. Of course, adding a signature element is possible as well.

Provide Forms

Forms created in FileDirector FormDesigner can either be used within your FileDirector ECM or sent to your customers. The option “anonymous”, combined with the ability of creating download-links, offers you the chance of providing forms to your customers, without granting them access to your FileDirector ECM. The created forms can be either provided in PDF or HTML format for download.

The filled forms are automatically sent back to your FileDirector ECM system by simply clicking a submit button. Of course, an option prevents multiple submissions of the same form.

Manage Content

The form and the information stored on a form is automatically stored in FileDirector as soon as a form is submitted. This is achieved by a connection of form elements and FileDirector index fields.

This content can be used for further business processes managed by FileDirector, e.g. by FileDirector BusinessProcessManagement.

Google Mail

Why Google Mail

Electronic Content Management systems become most useful when they are seamlessly integrated into other applications so that you can simply send documents via your favourite email package.

The tool picks up the addresses that are in your Google contact list so you can choose where to send it or add a manual address.

Simply type the mail exactly as you would using your web interface and press the Send email button. You will get a window pop up to say that your mail has been sent using Gmail.

Easy Configuration

This powerful tool needs only seconds to be configured. First, enter your Google email address and password. Then you can compose your signature that will appear on the email sent from FileDirector.

Finally you can choose the default settings that the document will be attached as, original, PDF or multipage tiff.

You can even attach a selection of pages to the mail so you don’t have to send the whole document.

Document Capture

Capturing Information

With support for thousand’s of scanning and digital input devices, and with predefined Scan Profiles, scanning has never been simpler.

FileDirector’s Microsoft® Office Integration takes just a click of the mouse to capture documents, spreadsheets and email.

Paper Documents

FileDirector has capture capabilities included within the standard client software, so there is no need to run one application for capturing, and another for retrieving. Also, scan profiles can be created, which hold the settings for the capture device, and can also be configured to store documents under specific categories.

FileDirector supports thousands of input devices, with its support for ISIS, TWAIN and its folder watch facility enabling you to send documents from your MFP directly to FileDirector.

If you already have a document in a folder on your system then you can quite simply drag and drop the file into FileDirector and the index capture then allows you to add the index information to the document prior to filing it away.

Image Printer

This add-on allows you to ‘print’ documents to FileDirector. Using our Windows driver, which you can select just as you would any other printer and print the document and then index using the image capture window, saving you the cost of printing it and scanning it in. This is particularly useful where you want a date and time stamped copy of a document, say an email that can be used in an evidential way that is a record of the wording at that particular moment in time.

Finding And Viewing:

Retrieving Information

Retrieving documents is a simple task. Type in what you are looking for into the index fields, and you’ll get a list of documents back, which you can then view. Or use the full text search option, to find documents that contain the word or phrase you want to look for.

Finding Documents

You can search across a whole cabinet, or just within one document type for the information you are looking for. Just use the index fields that have been defined within the cabinet, and these can be set to do specific match searches, or wildcard and range searches.

The documents that are found that match the criteria you set will be shown in a list, which can be sorted and filtered. On this list, just double click on the document you want to see, and it will be shown in the document display window. FileDirector also includes retrieving documents using just a web browser.

Viewing Documents

Viewing documents cannot be more straightforward. Just double-click on the document record, and it will be opened. FileDirector supports a wide range of different file formats. You can easily page through in either book or duplicate page mode, with or without thumbnails, and look at any previous versions of the document, if it has been revised. With a duplicate view you can also open and look at several documents at once.


Capturing Information

FileDirector MailStore is a system for capturing incoming and outgoing email traffic. Statutory provisions can require that the digital dialogue with business partners must be archived for a longer period. If automatically generated emails from order systems are relevant e. g. for business processes, these can also be archived. Fax systems which are addressed via a Mail server, can also be optionally integrated in our ECM system.

The Process

FileDirector MailStore can be linked easily to your existing Microsoft Exchange environment.

In addition, a connection to your particular mail server system is possible via a universal interface. The sequence of the MailStore service is defined by the administrator (usually before anti-spam and after virus protection solutions). Here any already set filter rules can be used.

FileDirector automatically stores scheduled emails. All relevant email fields (sender address, receiver address, receiver and sender name, subject, time stamp and many more) are processed.

The access to the emails is defined by user rights. They can also be transferred to the optionally available FileDirector BusinessProcessManagement for further processing. The emails can be viewed either by the integrated Viewer or by the email program already installed. Emails can then be searched by defined index criteria.

Link SAP Business Documents

It’s Teamwork

Storing and working with SAP Business Documents is a simple and nearly automatic task with a FileDirector ECM system and AchiveLink.

Just open an SAP Business Object in the SAP GUI, click store from the menu, select a document type and the document to attach. Confirm the FileDirector Content Repository and it’s done.

Now the SAP system stores the document in FileDirector and links it to the SAP business object automatically.

One Process – Multiple Benefits

This simple task makes the document accessible from FileDirector WinClient or FileDirector WebServer and the SAP system. In the SAP system, it is accessible from the SAP business object or through the technical search for ArchiveLink documents.

A Proven Solution

FileDirector ArchiveLink offers a proven integration for SAP S4/HANA via the SAP integration scenario S/4-BC-AL 7.40.

  • HTTP Content Server Functionality
  • OLE Frontend Functionality
  • Barcode BAPI

BC-AL connects content management systems to SAP. It is based on HTTP and a SAP NetWeaver BAPI interface.

Wider Accessibility

  • From the SAP business object
  • Through the technical search for AchiveLink documents
  • In FileDirector WinClient
  • In FileDirector WebServer
SAP Document Info Record

SAP Content Repositories Provide More

FileDirector ECM in combination with the proven ArchiveLink interface is the Content Repository that offers more. it provides with a single process a wider accessibility of important information.

FileDirector ArchiveLink in the background ensures not only a secure and reliable Content Repository for/ of your SAP system, but an additionally with FileDirector ECM a secure and user-friendly way to improve business processes within your company.

The information of SAP Business Documents, linked to a SAP Document Info Record and stored in a FileDirector Content Repository can be made accessible to your staff, without additional effort or storage space.

All this is automatically achieved by routines running in the background.

Create And Provide Options, Not Only A Content Repository

Now FileDirector ArchiveLink not only offers access to the documents through the SAP Business Object or through the search of the SAP Document Management System, but also access for authorised users of your FileDirector ECM system, simultaneously and without additional processes or copies.

A Proven Solution

FileDirector ArchiveLink offers a proven integration for SAP S4/HANA via the SAP integration scenario S/4 -BC-AL 7.40.

  • HTTP Content Server Functionality
  • OLE Frontend Functionality
  • Barcode BAPI

BC-AL connects content management systems to SAP. It is based on HTTP and a SAP NetWeaver BAPI interface.

Wider Accessibility

  • From the SAP business object
  • Through the search of the SAP Document Management System
  • In FileDirector WinClient
  • In FileDirector WebServer
SAP Print Lists

Choose The Filedirector Way

Print lists are the result of a report run in your SAP system. These can be cumulative audit trails, batch where-used lists, object service specifications, balance sheet valuations and cost center reports.This is exactly, where FileDirector helps you.

Share Information Reasonable

Provide simultaneous access from different workplaces, combined with index-based and full text search via SAP GUI or FileDirector WinClient/WebServer, using FileDirector OCR. The information you need can be stored conveniently in FileDirector index fields. Full text features require the optional module FileDirector OCR Server.

Costs And Environmental Balance

Reduce voluminous paper output which has only a limited availability and furthermore simultaneously improve the environmental balance for your company. The print data streams can be converted into PDF file format.

A Proven Solution

FileDirector ArchiveLink offers a proven integration for SAP S4/HANA via the SAP integration scenario S/4-BC-AL 7.40.

  • HTTP Content Server Functionality
  • OLE Frontend Functionality
  • Barcode

BAPI BC-AL connects content management systems to SAP. It is based on HTTP and a SAP NetWeaver BAPI interface.

Your benefits:

  • Simultaneous access from different work places.
  • No voluminous paper output combined with limited availability.
  • Index-based and full text search via SAP GUI or FileDirector WinClient/WebServer
  • SAP print data streams can be converted into PDF file format.
  • The relevant information can be stored in FileDirector index fields

FileDirector Version Options

No matter the size of your business, we offer a solution for your content management needs.



  • Full Audit Trail
  • Life Cycle Management
  • SDK
  • TWAIN Scanner Drivers
  • Unlimited Users Possible
  • Full Text OCR
  • Barcode/Zone OCR
  • Barcode & Form Recognition
  • Microsoft Office Integration
  • Codeless Integration
  • High Speed Scanner Drivers
  • Virtual Network Printer
  • Business Process Management
  • Install options: Our Cloud
  • Sharepoint Connector
  • ODBC Connector
  • Mailstore MX Exchange
  • SAP Certified Integration
  • COLD



  • Full Audit Trail
  • COLD
  • Life Cycle Management
  • SDK
  • TWAIN Scanner Drivers
  • Unlimited Users Possible
  • Full Text OCR
  • Barcode/Zone OCR
  • Barcode & Form Recognition
  • Microsoft Office Integration
  • Codeless Integration
  • High Speed Scanner Drivers
  • Virtual Network Printer
  • Business Process Management
  • Install options: Your Server
  • Sharepoint Connector
  • ODBC Connector
  • Mailstore MX Exchange
  • SAP Certified Integration



  • Full Audit Trail
  • COLD
  • Life Cycle Management
  • SDK
  • TWAIN Scanner Drivers
  • Max. 15 Users
  • Full Text OCR
  • Barcode/Zone OCR
  • Barcode & Form Recognition
  • Microsoft Office Integration
  • Codeless Integration
  • High Speed Scanner Drivers
  • Virtual Network Printer
  • Business Process Management
  • Install options: Your Server
  • ODBC Connector
  • Mailstore MX Exchange
  • Sharepoint Connector
  • SAP Certified Integration

Not sure where to start?

Call or email us today at 1-800-463-0178 or

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